Monday, August 29, 2011

Rabbit Satay Recipe

 Rabbit meat now become familiar because from this meat we can make a healthy recipes.

How to Make Rabbit Satay :
1) 50 grams fried peanuts
2) 3 pieces or chili pepper according  to our taste.
3) 1 red chilli
4) Sugar  (according to our taste)
5) 75 cc of boiled water
6) 3 tablespoons soy sauce
7) 4 grains of red onion, thinly sliced
Make it sure that only be keeping everything clean can make a healthy recipes

Steps of preparation :

1) Separate rabbit meat from bones.
2) Cut according our prefered size, u sually  1 x 2 x 2 cm.
3) Stir fried pieces of meat with oil and spices that are mashed
then let stand for 15-30 minutes so the flavors will be absorbed
4) Next, puncture 3-4 pieces of meat on skewers each puncture.
5) Bake the skewers over hot coals until  satay is well cooked,
Do not forget to bake it at the bottom and up side of satay so it will not turn to black.
6) Sate is ready to serve with Satay Sauce on it,
then sprinkle the red onion slices on top of Satay sauce.
This satay will be more delicious when we eat it in hot.

After that, we must make Satay Sauce, which is made of  peanut sauce.

1) Crush fried peanuts, chili and red pepper until smooth.
2) Put  a little bit of  coconut sugar (brown sugar).
3) Thaw sauce with boiled water and then pour the soy sauce.
4) Stir the sauce until blended.
5) Ready to serve with rabbit satay

Hopefully that this "healthy recipes" can spoil our taste.

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